Journey to No-Mind: Understanding Heaven in Different Cultures | #Heaven #NoMind #Psychedelics

Episode 3 January 23, 2024 00:13:56
Journey to No-Mind: Understanding Heaven in Different Cultures | #Heaven #NoMind #Psychedelics
Journey to No-Mind: Understanding Heaven in Different Cultures | #Heaven #NoMind #Psychedelics

Jan 23 2024 | 00:13:56


Show Notes

The concept of 'Heaven' and the 'No-Mind' state across various spiritual and religious perspectives. From the role of psychedelics and meditation to insights from historical figures like Buddha and Rumi, we dive deep into understanding different interpretations of heaven and states of consciousness beyond the mind.

Learn how these states can offer a sense of unity, joy, and transcendence beyond our everyday experiences.


#spirituality #uDOSE #HeavenExploration #SpiritualJourney #Consciousness #Meditation #Psychedelics #uDOSEPodcast 

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Episode Transcript

clip 2 [00:00:00] Anisa: No, it's a good, maybe we spend too much time on the mind as we advise not to do. [00:00:05] We spend [00:00:05] Marco: too much time on the mind and not enough time on the no mind and we're just [00:00:09] Anisa: venturing into [00:00:10] the no mind. that's exactly the proportion in our lives. But [00:00:13] Marco: this was meant to be about [00:00:15] heaven and what [00:00:15] Anisa: heaven means. So let's talk about that, I can, I'm [00:00:20] postulating here that. There's a place that you go to, [00:00:25] and you go to it when you're asleep, and it's [00:00:30] different. And sleep [00:00:31] Marco: naturally is a shutting off of senses. [00:00:33] Anisa: Yeah. It's a shutting off of senses. It's a shutting [00:00:35] off of senses. So it's a place you go to. We are [00:00:40] supposing the existence or non existence of a place a [00:00:45] place where your senses are just so big and loud they can't make it through, a [00:00:50] place like the the eye of the needle, you have to enter the eye of the needle, [00:00:55] all the weight, shed all the weight, shed all the bulky parts of yourself to [00:01:00] be able to make it through that hole, through that tiny little hole. And really [00:01:05] I think an easy thing that people can relate to and I [00:01:10] don't even want to say most people because I think that in modern days a lot of people [00:01:15] are not really dreaming anymore or don't. I don't know. I'm so [00:01:20] distant from that place that I hear it all the time. It's Oh, I don't dream. Oh my God, you [00:01:25] dream? It's such an old thing. You're so old school. [00:01:30] But yeah, it's like, it's people are surprised by [00:01:35] if they hear dreams and their intricacies and their You [00:01:40] know, richness, and it's I've, not in my experience, [00:01:43] Marco: their [00:01:45] vividness. [00:01:45] Anisa: Their vividness. A lot of people if they dream, also, you could see [00:01:50] it even in your own dreams, where, when you're really worked up[00:01:55] your dreams are very close to reality. That there is not much [00:02:00] richness to it, it's like a, it's like a replaying of something, or a playing of [00:02:05] something that's about to happen, but anyway, not deep diving. Dreams are dreams [00:02:08] Marco: are a good indication. [00:02:10] Dreams are a good indication. Of what could possibly be. At the end of the day, this whole exercise is [00:02:15] speculative. It is. It's speculative based on certain things that we, we've heard. And [00:02:20] perhaps we've experienced through dreams. This is, a dream is a window [00:02:25] into the no mind or extremely decreased [00:02:30] activity of mind. Another one is through the. [00:02:33] Anisa: Say hi, buddy.[00:02:35] Oh, he got worked up. Easy, love. Easy, baby. He's cute.[00:02:40] Oh, good boy. You're a good, friendly boy.[00:02:45] [00:02:45] Marco: Got it a little bit. Worked out in the end. Have a great day. [00:02:50] Come on, baby. Louie. What are you, falling in line now? Oh, [00:02:55] it's a boy, yeah. Okay, alright. [00:02:56] Anisa: That makes sense then.[00:03:00] [00:03:00] Marco: Louie. He's just... [00:03:03] Anisa: There you go. I guess he's [00:03:05] going with you. He's our dog now. [00:03:08] Marco: Okay, love. Yeah, you found a new [00:03:10] girlfriend, huh? Come on, baby. Hey, stay. Stay.[00:03:15] [00:03:15] Anisa: Crazy boy. There. Yeah, so beyond dreams. Let's [00:03:20] just try to wrap up because [00:03:21] Marco: I'm getting tired. One of the other indications are...[00:03:25] The dreamlike hallucinations that come from psychedelics, [00:03:30] deeply meditative, but also on the easier route. Meditation takes a lot of time and we've [00:03:35] had great influential figures from Buddha to Jesus to Moses to [00:03:40] Mohammed. That tell us about this area, when you [00:03:45] eliminate this relationship [00:03:46] Anisa: with ego, with sentient. So prayer, meditation chants,[00:03:50] [00:03:50] Marco: very easy for people who lack discipline, this sort of crash course is a [00:03:55] psychedelic trip. But also does the same thing of dealing a blow to... [00:04:00] I [00:04:00] Anisa: was going to say quite literally blow your mind. Yeah, sure. But this is what it [00:04:05] is, yeah, [00:04:05] Marco: and then you fall into this dreamlike state. It's where hallucinations are [00:04:10] possible and plenty. Yeah. And we've seen these things. And [00:04:15] we, there, there is a leap of faith for all of us who [00:04:20] are suffering from... A constant nagging voice that doesn't shut off at all. [00:04:25] Suffering from too many minds. From the diagnosis of never no mind, always [00:04:30] mind. And it's very straining on the, on you. You're never [00:04:35] efficient, you're never, it's always chaotic. It's always on. , as you mentioned, you barely dream [00:04:40] anymore. Your sleep isn't high quality. Because you struggle with shutting [00:04:45] off all your senses and even the master sense of the mind. And [00:04:49] Anisa: just to be [00:04:50] clear, mythologically, the places that we've been talking about is [00:04:55] heaven, this is what we mythologically have known as heaven, as [00:05:00] nirvana, the Buddhists call nirvana, it's this place of no mind. [00:05:05] It's this place of complete quietude. It's this place that is Again, to [00:05:10] contrast it with our with our experience of being alive and [00:05:15] aware, it's this place of permanence, it's this place of [00:05:20] silence, versus this place of impermanence, this temporary experience [00:05:25] that we're having, this loud and bright and all, titillating [00:05:30] experience that we're having at every second. Versus this quiet, [00:05:35] intemporal, permanent, silent, place [00:05:40] where dreams take place. Where you're at [00:05:45] one. With something else, with something, that's one with something bigger. These are the [00:05:50] patterns that we [00:05:50] Marco: hear even from people [00:05:51] Anisa: who, This is what scripture describes in so many [00:05:55] different ways, in so many different languages, through so many cultures. Describe, [00:05:58] Marco: it's described as [00:06:00] something rewarding, attractive, gardens and rivers. As [00:06:04] Anisa: [00:06:05] something un rewarding, like not one to one the reward is unlimited in a way for [00:06:10] what you give, like what you get is just an unlimited. It's of no bounds. No, unbounded. [00:06:15] Yeah, that's what [00:06:15] Marco: I was thinking. We don't quite understand what it means, but it is worth [00:06:20] more than any reward, than theoretically. And [00:06:25] again, this exercise is an exploration and speculation, and it [00:06:30] requires a leap of faith. Hence the spiritual and religious nature, that is [00:06:35] Udo. We try to explore this. There's a lot of speculation. We [00:06:40] dive through a lot of scripture and what our ancestors had to say. Because [00:06:45] we need to understand what might be on the other side [00:06:50] in order for us to attempt to have a go at it. But [00:06:55] it's very attractive and in theory it's more attractive than all the pleasures that ego [00:07:00] can get you. And we have to be... Clear in [00:07:05] assessing what that means. How could nothingness be more attractive than all the [00:07:10] pleasures, than allness? That, that all the weapons somethingness in Satan's arsenal? [00:07:15] Think of the Devon seven deadly sins. How attractive is the, [00:07:20] as gluttony in a time of hunger and you're about to feast. How attractive is [00:07:25] lust and need? I say anything about lust and its attractive nature [00:07:30] about, Temptation in general, how attractive is that? Now, we know how [00:07:35] attractive pleasure can be. We know that. We experience it. [00:07:40] We suffer through it, if you will. But we don't know what nothingness [00:07:45] is. All these people, all these historic figures, [00:07:50] important figures, that have built nations and nations great.[00:07:55] They are, they're all telling, from all walks of life, not just in the Abrahamic [00:08:00] philosophy that we perhaps are bred and born within, and we emphasize a little [00:08:05] bit, but all walks of life. There is this [00:08:10] explanation of... breaking from the shackles of mind, that gets you into something very [00:08:15] attractive. And it's righteous. It's counterintuitive. [00:08:20] And it takes a leap of faith because we here, what we have [00:08:25] here on this side, on the side of pleasure, we [00:08:27] Anisa: can experience. Because you have to [00:08:30] relinquish something that you can experience. And it's very attractive. So you have to relinquish that [00:08:35] pleasure and the potential for pleasure for something that's unknown, vague, [00:08:40] impossible to describe. Even by the people who have been there. [00:08:44] Marco: It's [00:08:45] inexplicable. By nature. It cannot be spoken. Because you can't have this rationalizing mind to [00:08:48] Anisa: describe it. And very [00:08:50] famously people would come to the Buddha with a question and Buddha would just stare at them [00:08:55] silently. Hey. Because... Stay. There is nothing to say. Stay. [00:09:00] Stay. There is nothing to say about it, and everything that you say, everything [00:09:05] that we say, again it's just always going to be a bastardization. It's always going to be [00:09:10] wrong. It's always going to be cheapened. Cheapened. Knock off. Knock off. Yeah. It's always, [00:09:15] again you're using a tool that is our mind and language, which is another great tool that we [00:09:20] have, but you're using a tool. to explain something outside of itself, and it's just, [00:09:25] you can't quite do it. [00:09:26] Marco: And this is quite the indication of how beautiful it may be, [00:09:30] because people have come out, and they've come up with [00:09:35] really beautiful, usually poetic, descriptions. And[00:09:40] We think of Rumi, we think of Ibn Arabi, we think of the [00:09:43] Anisa: Buddha. Think of anybody who's [00:09:45] ever been inspired, has come from that place. Whether or not they call it that or they know [00:09:50] that, any inspiration comes from a place of no mind. Comes [00:09:55] from a place beyond that, comes from a dreamlike experience. [00:09:58] Marco: Yes, and [00:10:00] that is indicative. If this is a bastardization, and [00:10:05] it's beautiful, and it's poetry, and gospel, It's [00:10:10] rhythmic, it's [00:10:10] Anisa: melodic, it's poetic. It still [00:10:13] Marco: cannot [00:10:15] explain how beautiful it really is. This [00:10:20] hanging out in heaven. The place of [00:10:25] reward that is brought about by God. And [00:10:30] all we have is speculation. That's all we have.[00:10:35] But I think it's enough. It's enough for us to give it a try. And [00:10:40] this is why things... Having a tool, a ritual, [00:10:45] like the Zerodose that we have at uDOSE with the[00:10:50] psychedelic trip, , to give us a glimpse [00:10:55] is, it was necessary for me to have this glimpse [00:11:00] of what These influential, important, beautiful figures in our [00:11:05] ancestral trail had to come and tell us. But it took, for me at [00:11:10] least, a glimpse of this unity, of this love, of this overwhelming [00:11:15] joy that exists with a decreased mind, a sense of awe [00:11:20] and beauty, and the duality of significance and insignificance [00:11:25] that you feel at the same time. It took that glimpse [00:11:30] of heaven, that crash course, because I was undeserving in a way. [00:11:35] I wasn't disciplined enough, and I still am not. We're talking about a speculation, an [00:11:40] exploration into a kicking off us [00:11:45] individually and as a larger group, as a community, to attempt to [00:11:50] put together a set of tools that help us in fighting. [00:11:55] Ego, in controlling ego, and in getting to phases, [00:12:00] disciplined phases, of no mind. And the rituals of [00:12:05] psilocybin are there to help us, but the intent and the [00:12:10] highly recommended route is to have the discipline you need to meditate and actually get to [00:12:15] no mind rather quickly. And that takes a lot of discipline, it takes [00:12:20] a lot of effort. The larger the community you sit within, the [00:12:25] easier it is for you. Because we are social creatures. And if we do this together, we have a better chance.[00:12:30] [00:12:30] Anisa: Said. I think that's a good place to, to wrap up. [00:12:35] Okay. It gets to the it's a good... To get shallow. There [00:12:39] Marco: are a few things [00:12:40] I still want to say, but I think we should stop [00:12:42] Anisa: here. Maybe those things, you could put in [00:12:45] writing? Or maybe, it's... Or have a recording separately? [00:12:48] Marco: When we dive into the spiritual [00:12:50] too, this is just an introduction. We just brought up the routine and and how that excites [00:12:54] Anisa: the [00:12:55] mind. What would you like to discuss further? We could write it down, maybe bring it up next [00:13:00] time. I'm going to discuss [00:13:01] Marco: the boringness of sitting and [00:13:05] meditating and trying to get to silence. The [00:13:07] Anisa: boringness of life in general, disciplined life. And that's [00:13:10] [00:13:10] Marco: how that may rationally be unattractive. But again, [00:13:15] you're rationalizing here. And your rational, [00:13:20] egotistic mind It's naturally going to want [00:13:23] Anisa: to persuade you not to go. What about all the [00:13:25] pleasures that I can give you? [00:13:27] Marco: Okay. And I wanted to talk about that. I [00:13:30] wanted to talk about the happiness that comes from ego, from the taking in and [00:13:35] giving in to the dopamine and the serotonin, versus the joy and [00:13:40] love that comes from [00:13:42] Anisa: oxytocin. I would like to discuss oxytocin a little bit [00:13:45] more as part of the reward, because we didn't bring that on. Yeah. But [00:13:50] maybe we could have that, we could have a we have an idea of how to [00:13:55] incorporate that later on to this. Okay.

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